Day Dreamer Stream Assets

The story of DayDreamer, or DD, is centered around a robot who lives in a Y2K post-apocalyptic society. They used to be used for war but are now doing entertainment, for those who are still living.

The client is a vtuber who livestreams on For this, not only did they request stream assets, but also designs of the streamer avatar, central to the identity of the stream. The character design was requested to have a monitor for a head, and a cube-shaped core suspended in fluid visible in the torso.

Character Design and Concept work may be viewed exclusively by subscribers, but available to recruiters by request.

For the starting screen, it is modeled after a vintage windows login screen, as if it were on DD’s monitor “face”. Initially we conceptualized this screen as more of a “boot” screen, with several lines of text scrolling past on loop, but after revisions we concluded that a more simplified log in screen would be best. As the stream actually begins, there is a transition screen that shows a very complex password being entered and then a star shape transition to the next screen, to go with the space theme. There is a custom made CRT screen effect that goes over the screen as well, to look more authentic. There is also a variant that is just an image rather than a video, to be used as a banner when the stream is offline.

For the backgrounds of the stream, we wanted to carry the motif of the cube-shaped core of DD’s body. The backgrounds of the stream were created entirely in Adobe After Effects, by creating a wireframe of a cube and rotating it in a repeating pattern. After several color iterations, this was the final color palette. We also created several versions of the animated background: one where all cubes are rotating at once, and one where a few are rotating at a time, for less visual clutter. The version where only a few are rotating is the final one chosen.

The ending screen is quite different from the intro; this screen shows a post-war landscape showing several other DD models in pieces among a now-blooming flower field. The flowers are animated to be flowing in the wind, and the stars are twinkling above with shooting stars passing by. There were a few variants of this screen made for youtube usage as well with increased space below the text for video thumbnails to be placed.


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