Shreveport Aquarium Flyer

Discover an underwater world of wonder at the Shreveport Aquarium.

As the Shreveport Aquarium was first opening, I was tasked with creating a flyer for the aquarium, using the logo and copy text provided. As I was sketching ideas, I wanted to highlight the variety of aquatic life that can be viewed at the aquarium, as well as highlighting that it was a family experience.

In the end, I went with the rainbow idea, because I thought it highlighted the variety of sights to be seen the most. I arranged aquarium photos as stripes in rainbow order, with the logo in one of the stripes. As the aquarium had not yet opened by the time this flyer was created, all photos used are stock images.

For the rear side, the pattern was carried over but reduced in contrast and opacity, along with being tinted blue for easier legibility and unity. The text was formatted along a hand-drawn organic shape, to emulate the flow of water.


NWLA Super Smash Bros. PR Graphics


Herbert Matter Poster